Privacy Policy プライバシーポリシー

  • 日本語


1. 個人情報の取得及び保存期間等について

  • ①お客様が当社に対し提供した情報(お客様の氏名、芸名、筆名、ハンドルネーム、ニックネーム、電子メールアドレス(A!-ID(当社の指定するサービスの利用に関しお客様がお客様を識別する固有の情報として任意の電子メールアドレスを指定できるサービス及び指定した電子メールアドレスを意味します。以下、同様とします。)として登録されたかどうかを問いません。)、メッセンジャーアプリケーションのIDなどのアカウント情報、アカウント情報へのアクセス又はサービスの利用のためにお客様が設定したパスワード等の情報、生年月日、容貌(写真であるか、動画であるかを問いません。)、声、経歴、性別(その有無や性自認についての情報を含みます。)、職業、勤務先、家族構成、他者の法定代理人であることその他の属性、居住国、住所、居所、郵便番号、電話番号、本人確認書類等)
  • ②当社のWEBサイト又はアプリケーション(以下、総称して「WEBサイト等」といいます。)におけるお客様の行動に関する情報(アクセス履歴、ログイン履歴、閲覧履歴、検索履歴、商品購入履歴、チケット予約履歴等)
  • ③当社が提供するサービスのお客様によるご利用状況(イベント会場への来訪、商品又はサービスの購入、お問合履歴やお問合せの内容等)
  • ④会社法その他の適用法令及び当社定款その他の適用規則に基づく株主様の権利の行使及び義務の履行に関する情報
  • ⑤当社との契約に基づくアーティストの権利の行使及び義務の履行に関する情報

(2) 要配慮個人情報については、お客様ご本人が当社に対し提供した場合を除き、あらかじめお客様の同意を得てこれを取得し、本プライバシーポリシーに従い、利用いたします。

(3) 法令に従って取得した特定個人情報等については、法定書類作成事務その他法令の定める利用目的の範囲に限り、これを利用いたします。特定個人情報等について、法令で認められた利用目的以外の目的のためには、取得(お客様ご本人が当社に対し提供した場合を除きます。)、利用又は第三者提供いたしません。

(4) お客様が満16歳未満の者である場合には、当社は、お客様の個人情報を取得するに際し、法定代理人の同意を取得するなど、適用法令の定める手続に従います。なお、当社は、当社が満16歳未満であると認識している欧州経済領域(EEA)、英国、米国又は中華人民共和国在住のお客様の個人情報は取得せず、保存しません。ただし、意図せずにこれらの地域又は国に在住する満16歳未満のお客様の個人情報を取得したことを当社が認識した場合には、その個人情報を直ちに消去するなど適切な措置を講じます。

(5) 当社のWEBサイト等において、会員登録が必要なものについては、いずれもお客様による個人情報のご登録が利用のための条件となる場合があります。

(6) 当社は、お客様の個人情報を、保存期間を設定した場合はその期間まで、それ以外は、お客様から消去のお申し出をいただくまで保存いたします。ただし、適用法令によりこれよりも短い期間が定められている場合には、その期間とし、特定個人情報等については法令に従います。

2. 個人情報の利用について

(1) 当社が取得し管理する個人情報(個人情報保護法が施行される前から管理している個人情報についても、同様とします。)は、下記の目的の達成の必要な範囲内で利用し、お客様の同意がある場合又は法令で許容される場合を除き、他の目的で利用しません。また、当社は、下記の目的を達成するために、当社の業務を外部に委託し、業務委託先に対して必要な範囲で個人データを提供することがあります。この場合、当社は当該業務委託先との間で個人データの取扱いに関する契約の締結など、当該個人データの安全管理が図られるよう必要かつ適切な監督を行います。

① お客様の個人情報の利用目的

(a) 当社の商品又はサービスのお申込みや利用のため(例 当社所属のアスリート・アーティストのグッズ又はイベントや公演等のチケットの予約、購入、発送、ご本人様確認、払戻し、補償、ファンクラブ等のサービスへの入会、動画等のコンテンツの配信、閲覧、特典の提供又は賞品の発送のため)
(b) 当社の商品又はサービス等に関連した情報をご案内するため(例 当社製作にかかる新作映画や当社配給映画のご案内、イベントのご案内、アミューズグループ(次項に定義します。以下、同様とします。)の商品又はサービス等のご案内、アンケート調査の実施又はこの結果をご案内するため。なお、お客様の取引履歴やWEBサイト等の閲覧履歴、当社がアミューズグループから法令に従い適正に取得した情報を分析して、お客様のニーズに合った各種商品又はサービスに関する広告等の配信を行うための利用も含みます。)
(c) 当社の商品又はサービスの提供、分析、改善又は開発のため(例 市場調査、サービスの新設のため)
(d) オーディションのため(例 オーディションの応募、当社からの連絡、当社との契約の申込みのため)
(e) 採用活動のため
(f) 顧客管理のため
(g) お客様からのお問合せへの対応、調査又は回答のため
(h) お客様との契約や法令に基づく権利の行使や義務の履行又はこれらが終了することに伴う処理のため(例 代金の請求、返金もしくは支払等に関連する事務処理又はお取引などの契約解除後の事後管理のため)
(i) その他、お客様とのお取引を適切かつ円滑に履行するため
(j) 他の事業者等の第三者から個人情報の取扱いの全部又は一部について委託された場合等において、委託された当該業務を適切に遂行するため
(k) 法令に基づく義務や要請、紛争解決(お客様同士又はお客様と第三者の間でのトラブルについて、お客様の損失の補償又は回復のために当社が社会通念上合理的に求められる範囲で仲介する場合を含みます。)又は当社の権利の行使のため

② 株主様の個人情報の利用目的(前号に加えて)



(2)当社は、当社、株式会社アミューズ(本店所在地:山梨県南都留郡富士河口湖町西湖997番地)及びその子会社(以下、総称して「アミューズグループ」といいます。)(こちらの「グループ会社」をご覧ください。)との間で、個人情報保護法第27条第5項第3号に基づく個人データの共同利用を行うことがあります(例 A!-IDの管理・利用、アミューズが契約した決済代行会社の利用)。共同利用する個人データの項目は、「1. 個人情報の取得及び保存期間等について」第(1)号記載の各項目とし、共同利用する目的は、「2. 個人情報の利用について」第(1)号記載の各利用目的とします。なお、当該個人データの管理について責任を有する者は、「4.個人情報及び特定個人情報等の管理について」記載の管理責任者と同様とします。

3. 個人データの第三者提供について


4. 個人情報及び特定個人情報等の管理について


株式会社アミューズスポーツエージェンシー(代表取締役 坂田 淳二)
連絡先 宛てに、お問合せをお願いいたします(当社に所属していた際の特定個人情報等の取扱いのお問合せについては、宛てにお問い合わせください。)。

5. 利用目的の通知、お客様が個人情報に関して有する権利(開示、訂正、追加もしくは削除、利用停止、消去又は第三者への提供の停止)について

(1) 当社は、保有個人データについて、お客様ご本人から利用目的の通知のご請求があったときは、お客様に対し、以下の場合を除き、遅滞なく、これを通知いたします。
① 保有個人データの利用目的が明らかな場合
② 利用目的をお客様ご本人に通知することによりお客様又は第三者の生命、身体、財産その他の権利利益を害するおそれがある場合
③ 利用目的をお客様ご本人に通知することにより当社の権利又は正当な利益を害するおそれがある場合
④ 国の機関又は地方公共団体が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、利用目的をお客様ご本人に通知することにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがあるとき

(2) お客様は、当社に対し、お客様ご本人が識別される保有個人データについて、以下の各権利を有します。
① お客様ご本人が識別される保有個人データの電磁的記録の提供による方法その他の個人情報保護委員会規則で定める方法による開示、お客様ご本人が識別される保有個人データの内容が事実でないときはこの内容の訂正、追加もしくは削除、お客様ご本人が識別される保有個人データが個人情報保護法第18条もしくは第19条に違反して取り扱われているとき又は第20条に違反して取得されたものであるときにはこれの利用停止又は消去、その他個人情報保護法に定める場合には第三者への提供の停止を求める権利
② 当社による個人情報の取扱いに関する苦情を監督当局に対し申し立てる権利
③ データポータビリティの権利(当社が保有するお客様ご本人のデータを提供するよう求める権利及びお客様が指定する第三者に対してお客様が指定する形式でお客様ご自身のデータを提供するよう求める権利(後者については、技術的に可能な場合に限られます。)をいいます。)
④ お客様がご本人の個人情報を提供された際の同意を撤回する権利(ただし、お客様による同意の撤回前に当社によりなされたお客様の個人情報の利用は、同意の撤回による影響を受けないものとします。)

(3) 当社は、前項①の開示請求を受けたときは、以下の場合を除き、お客様に対し、お客様が請求した方法(当該方法による開示に多額の費用を要する場合その他の当該方法による開示が困難である場合にあっては、書面の交付による方法とします。)により、遅滞なく、お客様ご本人の保有個人データを開示いたします。
① お客様ご本人又は第三者の生命、身体、財産その他の権利利益を害するおそれがある場合
② 当社の業務の適正な実施に著しい支障を及ぼすおそれがある場合
③ 法令に違反することとなる場合


(5)当社は、前号①の利用停止もしくは消去(以下「利用停止等」といいます。)又は第三者に対する提供の停止請求を受けた場合には、法令に従い、ご請求に係る保有個人データの全部もしくは一部について利用停止等を行ったときもしくは利用停止等を行わない旨の決定をしたとき、又はご請求に係る保有個人データの全部もしくは一部について第三者への提供を停止したときもしくは第三者への提供を停止しない旨の決定をしたときは、お客様に対し、遅滞なく、その旨を通知いたします。なお、当社は、「2. 個人情報の利用について」第(1)号記載の利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内で、お客様に有益と思われる当社又はアミューズグループの商品又はサービス等のご案内を、郵便又は電子メール等でお客様に対し送付又は送信させていただく場合がございます。かかるご案内を希望されないお客様は、当社にお申し出いただければ、これらの送付や配信を速やかに停止いたします。

(6) 上記各ご請求については、以下のとおりとします。なお、当社が運営するファンクラブサービスに関連してご提供いただいた個人情報に関するご請求等につきましては、各ファンクラブについて明示された方法によるものとし、以下の方法によるご請求には応じられない場合がありますので、ご了承ください。
  • ① お問合方法宛てにお問い合わせください。
  • ② 各ご請求及びこの手続ができる方の確認

6. 他WEBサイト等における個人情報保護について


7. Cookie等について


① Cookieの機能


② Cookie等の利用



Cookieは、簡単な操作によって、拒否(オプトアウト)することができます。拒否(オプトアウト)を行うことで、お客様に関する情報が特定のブラウザに関連付けられることを防ぐことができるようになります。これにより、ご使用のブラウザに関連した他のCookieを削除したり変更したりすることなく、当社の広告配信用Cookieを、それ以降拒否(オプトアウト)することができます。当社からのCookieが不要の場合には、各種ブラウザの設定によりCookieを拒否(オプトアウト)してください。特に、当社のWEBサイト等で広く利用される、Google LLCが提供するアクセス解析ツールによるデータ収集や処理の仕組みについては「Googleポリシーと規約 」をご覧ください。

Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge
Safari (iPhone, iPad)
Apple Safari (Mac)
Mozilla Firefox

(b)当社が運営するサービス(例 A!-ID、A!SMART、ファンクラブサービス)の提供にあたり、以下の目的において利用されるツールで利用されるCookie及びこれの拒否(オプトアウト)に関しては、以下をご確認ください。
Google Analytics (分析)
activecore (分析)
Google (広告)
Yahoo! (広告)
Microsoft (広告)
Meta (広告)
X(旧Twitter) (広告)

8. 欧州経済領域内及び英国に所在するお客様の個人データの取扱いについて



(2)当社は、データ保護法に基づき、「1. 個人情報の取得及び保存期間等について」(1)①から⑤に記載する種類の個人データを含むお客様の個人データを以下の利用目的のために必要な範囲内で、以下の適法根拠に依拠して取り扱います。

目的 適法根拠
① 当社の商品又はサービスのお申込みや利用のため ・お客様との契約の締結又は履行に必要
② 当社の商品又はサービス等に関連した情報をご案内するため ・お客様の同意
③ 当社の商品又はサービスの提供、分析、改善又は開発のため ・お客様との契約の締結又は履行に必要
④ 顧客管理のため ・当社の正当な利益(顧客の適切な管理)のために必要
⑤ お客様からのお問合せへの対応、調査又は回答のため ・当社の正当な利益(お客様からのお問い合わせへの適切な対応、調査又は回答)のために必要
⑥ お客様との契約や法令に基づく権利の行使や義務の履行又はこれらが終了することに伴う処理のため ・お客様との契約の締結又は履行に必要
⑦ その他、お客様とのお取引を適切かつ円滑に履行するため ・当社の正当な利益(お客様とのお取引の適切かつ円滑な履行)のために必要
⑧ 法令に基づく義務や要請、紛争解決(お客様同士又はお客様と第三者の間でのトラブルについて、お客様の損失の補償又は回復のために当社が社会通念上合理的に求められる範囲で仲介する場合を含みます。)又は当社の権利の行使のため ・法的義務の遵守のために必要
⑨ 当社のサービスの機能の維持又は向上のため ・当社の正当な利益(不正検知、セキュリティ確保、機能向上等)のために必要
⑩ 当社のサービスのご利用状況を分析するため ・当社の正当な利益(サービス利用状況の分析)のために必要
⑪ 行動ターゲティング広告等のマーケティング施策を実施するため ・お客様の同意
⑫ カスタマイズされたコンテンツを表示するため ・お客様の同意





① 当社の委託先
② 適用法令に基づき当社が個人データの開示を義務付けられる政府機関等


① 同意撤回権:お客様はいつでもその同意を撤回する権利を有します
② アクセス権:お客様は当社が保有する個人データの写し及びその取扱いの詳細についての開示を求める権利を有します。
③ 訂正権:お客様は当社が保有する個人データの訂正を求める権利を有します。
④ 消去権:お客様はデータ保護法が認める場合において当社が保有する個人データの消去を求める権利を有します。
⑤ 取扱制限権:お客様はデータ保護法が認める場合において当社が保有する個人データの取扱いを制限する権利を有します。
⑥ データポータビリティ権:お客様は、データ保護法が認める場合において、構造化され、一般的に利用され、機械可読性のある形式の個人データを請求する権利を有し、また、個人データの転送を請求する権利を有します。
⑦ 異議申立権:お客様は、当社の正当な利益を目的とする取扱い又はダイレクトマーケティングを目的とする、個人データの取扱いに異議を申し立てる権利を有します。

① 欧州委員会又は英国政府による十分性認定
② 欧州委員会が採択した標準契約条項(Standard Contractual Clauses, SCC)
③ 英国議会が承認した国際データ移転契約(International Data Transfer Agreement, IDTA)又は国際データ移転SCC補遺(International Data Transfer Addendum to the European Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses)

① EEAに居住するお客様:
② 英国に居住するお客様:

① 電子メールでのお問い合わせ まで、<株式会社アミューズスポーツエージェンシー>を件名に記載してメールを送信してください。
② Webフォームでのお問い合わせ: にアクセスし、必要事項を入力してください。
③ 郵送で問合せをする:以下のDataRep社の拠点にご郵送ください。

Country Address
Austria DataRep, City Tower, Brückenkopfgasse 1/6. Stock, Graz, 8020, Austria
Belgium DataRep, Place de L’Université 16, Louvain-La-Neuve, Waals Brabant, 1348, Belgium
Bulgaria DataRep, 132 Mimi Balkanska Str., Sofia, 1540, Bulgaria
Croatia DataRep, Ground & 9th Floor, Hoto Tower, Savska cesta 32, Zagreb, 10000, Croatia
Cyprus DataRep, Victory House, 205 Archbishop Makarios Avenue, Limassol, 3030, Cyprus
Czech Republic DataRep, Platan Office, 28. Října 205/45, Floor 3&4, Ostrava, 70200, Czech Republic
Denmark DataRep, Lautruphøj 1-3, Ballerup, 2750, Denmark
Estonia DataRep, 2nd Floor, Tornimae 5, Tallinn, 10145, Estonia
Finland DataRep, Luna House, 5.krs, Mannerheimintie 12 B, Helsinki, 00100, Finland
France DataRep, 72 rue de Lessard, Rouen, 76100, France
Germany DataRep, 3rd and 4th floor, Altmarkt 10 B/D, Dresden, 01067, Germany
Greece DataRep, 24 Lagoumitzi str, Athens, 17671, Greece
Hungary DataRep, President Centre, Kálmán Imre utca 1, Budapest, 1054, Hungary
Iceland DataRep, Kalkofnsvegur 2, 3rd Floor, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland
Ireland DataRep, The Cube, Monahan Road, Cork, T12 H1XY, Republic of Ireland
Italy DataRep, Viale Giorgio Ribotta 11, Piano 1, Rome, Lazio, 00144, Italy
Latvia DataRep, 4th & 5th floors, 14 Terbatas Street, Riga, LV-1011, Latvia
Liechtenstein DataRep, City Tower, Brückenkopfgasse 1/6. Stock, Graz, 8020, Austria
Lithuania DataRep, 44A Gedimino Avenue, 01110 Vilnius, Lithuania
Luxembourg DataRep, BPM 335368, Banzelt 4 A, 6921, Roodt-sur-Syre, Luxembourg
Malta DataRep, Tower Business Centre, 2nd floor, Tower Street, Swatar, BKR4013, Malta
Netherlands DataRep, Cuserstraat 93, Floor 2 and 3, Amsterdam, 1081 CN, Netherlands
Norway DataRep, C.J. Hambros Plass 2c, Oslo, 0164, Norway
Poland DataRep, Budynek Fronton ul Kamienna 21, Krakow, 31-403, Poland
Portugal DataRep, Torre de Monsanto, Rua Afonso Praça 30, 7th floor, Algès, Lisbon, 1495-061, Portugal
Romania DataRep, 15 Piaţa Charles de Gaulle, nr. 1-T, Bucureşti, Sectorul 1, 011857, Romania
Slovakia DataRep, Apollo Business Centre II, Block E / 9th floor, 4D Prievozska, Bratislava, 821 09, Slovakia
Slovenia DataRep, Trg. Republike 3, Floor 3, Ljubljana, 1000, Slovenia
Spain DataRep, Calle de Manzanares 4, Madrid, 28005, Spain
Sweden DataRep, S:t Johannesgatan 2, 4th floor, Malmo, SE – 211 46, Sweden
Switzerland DataRep, Leutschenbachstrasse 95, ZURICH, 8050, Switzerland
United Kingdom DataRep, 107-111 Fleet Street, London, EC4A 2AB, United Kingdom

9. 米国カリフォルニア州に居住するお客様の個人情報の取扱いについて

当社は、米国カリフォルニア州消費者プライバシー法(California Privacy Rights Act of 2020による改正後のCalifornia Consumer Privacy Act of 2018、以下「CCPA」といいます。)及び適用されるその他の連邦法及び州法に基づき、カリフォルニア州に居住するお客様の個人情報の取扱いについて、説明いたします。なお、「1. 個人情報の取得及び保存期間等について」から「7. Cookieについて」までの方針と本項が矛盾する場合には、当社は、米国カリフォルニア州に居住するお客様の個人情報を、本項に従い、取り扱います。本項において、「販売」とは、金銭その他の価値ある対価と引換えに、当社が第三者に対しお客様の個人情報を販売し、貸与し、公表し、開示し、流布し、利用可能な状態に置き、移転し、又は、口頭、書面、電子的その他の手段により伝達することをいい、「共有」とは、金銭その他の価値ある対価と引換えに行うか否かを問わず、第三者に対し、クロス・コンテクスト行動ターゲティング広告のために、お客様の個人情報を共有し、貸与し、公表し、開示し、流布し、利用可能な状態に置き、移転し、又は、口頭、書面、電子的その他の手段により伝達することをいいます。

(1)当社が今後取得する可能性のある又は過去12カ月間に取得したお客様の個人情報の種類は、以下のとおりです。当社は、「2. 個人情報の利用について」第(1)号記載の各利用目的及び「8. 欧州経済領域内及び英国に所在するお客様の個人データの取扱いについて」第(2)号記載の⑨から⑫までの利用目的のために、必要な範囲内で、これらの個人情報を取り扱います。なお、以下の個人情報は、いずれも、お客様ご本人から取得するものです。
① 識別子(例 氏名、住所、個人固有識別子、オンライン識別子、電子メールアドレス、ログインID、その他の同様の識別子)
② 商業的情報(例 当社の商品又はサービスの利用履歴、会員資格、ポイント実績、クレジットカードの番号、クレジットカードの有効期限、車椅子等の手配の要否、来場した公演、お客様とのやり取りの中に含まれる情報、お問合せ・ご要望・ご意見の内容)
③ インターネットその他の電子的なネットワーク上の活動情報(例 閲覧履歴、検索履歴、Cookie等、広告識別子(IDFA・GAID)、位置情報、デバイス端末固有ID、当社WEBサイト等との通信に関する情報)
④ 音声、電子、視覚、その他これらと同様の情報(例 オーディション応募資料、お問合せ対応時の録音音声)
⑤ センシティブ情報(例 アカウントIDとアカウントへのアクセスに必要なパスワードなどの認証情報との組合せ、性自認についての情報、車椅子等の手配の要否)

(2)当社は、13歳未満のお客様の個人情報を取得する場合は、米国児童オンラインプライバシー保護法(Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998)及びその他の適用法令が定める手続に従い、親権者の同意を取得します。


① オプトアウト権:当社がお客様の個人情報を販売又は共有する場合には、お客様はこれをオプトアウトする権利を有します。
② 開示請求権:お客様は、当社が取得、利用、開示、販売又は共有したお客様の個人情報を開示するよう請求する権利を有します。
③ 消去権:お客様は、当社に対し、当社が取得した個人情報を消去するよう請求する権利を有します。
④ 訂正権:お客様は当社が保有する個人情報を訂正するよう請求する権利を有します。
⑤ お客様は、当社が取得したセンシティブ情報の利用や開示を、CCPAで許容される一定の目的以外の目的で利用又は開示されないよう、商品又はサービスの提供のためなど一定の目的のために必要な範囲に制限する権利を有します。
⑥ お客様は、CCPAに基づく権利の行使により当社から差別的な扱いを受けない権利を有します。


① 識別子:「8. 欧州経済領域内及び英国に所在するお客様の個人データの取扱いについて」第(2)号記載の利用目的⑪及び⑫のために、必要な範囲内で、広告関連事業者
② インターネットその他の電子的なネットワーク上の活動情報:「8. 欧州経済領域内及び英国に所在するお客様の個人データの取扱いについて」第(2)号記載の利用目的⑪及び⑫記載のために、必要な範囲内で、広告関連事業者


10. 中華人民共和国に居住するお客様の個人情報の取扱いについて

当社は、中国個人情報保護法(个人信息保护法、以下「中国個人情報保護法」といいます。)及び関連法令(以下、総称して「中国個人情報保護法等」といいます。)に基づき、中華人民共和国境内に所在するお客様の個人情報の取扱いについて、説明いたします。なお、「1. 個人情報の取得及び保存期間等について」から「7. Cookieについて」までの方針と本項が矛盾する場合には、当社は、中華人民共和国境内に所在するお客様の個人情報を、本項に従い、取り扱います。



目的 ① 当社の商品又はサービスのお申込みや利用のため
② 当社の商品又はサービス等に関連した情報をご案内するため
③ 当社の商品又はサービスの提供、分析、改善又は開発のため
④ 顧客管理のため
⑤ (お客様からのお問合せへの対応、調査又は回答のため
⑥ お客様との契約や法令に基づく権利の行使や義務の履行又はこれらが終了することに伴う処理のため
⑦ その他、お客様とのお取引を適切かつ円滑に履行するため
⑧ 法令に基づく義務や要請、紛争解決(お客様同士又はお客様と第三者の間でのトラブルについて、お客様の損失の補償又は回復のために当社が社会通念上合理的に求められる範囲で仲介する場合を含みます。)又は当社の権利の行使のため
⑨ 当社のサービスの機能又は向上の維持のため
⑩ 本サービスのご利用状況を分析するため
⑪ 行動ターゲティング広告等のマーケティング施策を実施するため
⑫ カスタマイズされたコンテンツを表示するため
適法根拠 「2.個人情報の利用について」(1)に記載する方法にて個人情報を取り扱います。



取り扱うセンシティブ情報 「1. 個人情報の取得及び保存期間等について」(1)に記載する情報のうち中国個人情報保護法でセンシティブ情報として規定される情報
取扱いの必要性 第(2)号に記載する目的実現のため
個人の権利及び利益への影響 プライバシー侵害、情報悪用、オンラインの安全性、サービスへの過度な依存


② 当社の委託先
③ 適用法令に基づき当社が個人情報の開示を義務付けられる政府機関等


国家 日本
提供先(境外受信者)の名称 当社
連絡先 第(10)号に記載
取扱目的 第(2)号に記載
取扱方法 第(2)号に記載
個人情報の種類 「1.個人情報の取得及び保存期間等について」. (1)①から⑤に記載する種類の個人情報を含むお客様の個人情報

(8)お客様は、「5. 利用目的の通知、お客様が個人情報に関して有する権利(開示、訂正、追加もしくは削除、利用停止、消去又は第三者への提供の停止)について」に記載の権利に加えて、中国個人情報保護法等に基づき、以下の各権利を有します。なお、法律又は行政法規が規定する保存期間が満了していない場合又は個人情報の削除が技術上実現困難な場合には、当社は保存及び必要な安全保護措置を講じること以外の取扱いを停止いたします。
① 同意撤回権:お客様はいつでもその同意を撤回する権利を有します。
② 自動的な決定が個人の利益に対し重大な影響をもたらす場合には説明を求める権利
③ お客様の個人情報の取扱いについて知る権利、決定する権利、制限又は拒否する権利
④ お客様の個人情報を閲覧及び複製する権利
⑤ 個人情報が不正確又は不完全である場合に、訂正又は補足を求める権利
⑥ 以下の場合において、個人情報の削除を請求する権利
⑦ 本プライバシーポリシーに関する解釈及び説明を求める権利



11. 改善措置




AMUSE SPORTS AGENCY INC. (the “Company”) is in compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (the “Personal Information Protection Act”) and other laws and regulations of Japan, guidelines established by the Personal Information Protection Commission, and laws and regulations of countries other than Japan that apply to the Company and the Company properly handles the personal information of its customers (including its shareholders and athletes/artists managed by the Company, hereinafter the same) that is obtained and managed by the Company based on the following policy and endeavors to protect personal information in light of the significance of the personal information of its customers. “Personal information” in this Privacy Policy means information regarding a living individual with which a specific individual can be directly or indirectly identified by name, date of birth, or other description contained in that information (meaning written documents, drawings, and electromagnetic records) and information that contains an individual identification code (having the meaning defined in Article 2, paragraph (2) of the Personal Information Protection Act), and “laws and regulations” as used below includes laws and regulations of countries other than Japan that apply to the Company. Unless otherwise specified or unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions of other terms are governed by the Personal Information Protection Act and terminology in other laws and regulations.

1. Obtaining Personal Information and Retention Period of Personal Information

(1)The Company obtains personal information of its customers and specific personal information, etc. (meaning individual numbers (having the meaning defined in Article 2, paragraph (5) of the Act on Use in Administrative Procedures of Numbers to Identify Specific Individuals (the “Individual Number Act”) and specific personal information (having the meaning defined in Article 2, paragraph (8) of the Individual Number Act, hereinafter the same) through lawful and fair means by clearly indicating the purpose of use of that information in advance; provided, however, that if the purpose of use of any personal information is clear from the circumstances of the provision of the information by the customer to the Company, the Company may omit indicating the purpose of use assuming that the customer has given his or her consent. The Company obtains the following types of personal information with respect to its customers. The Company might record the contents of calls or conversations with its customers.
  • (i) Information provided by customers to the Company (including customer names, professional names, pen names, handle names, nicknames, email addresses (regardless of whether that is registered as an A!-ID (meaning a service that allows a customer to specify an email address as specific information to identify him or her when using the Company’s designated service and the customer’s designated email address, hereinafter the same), account information such as a messenger application ID, information related to such account information (including passwords set to access his or her account or use a service(s), date of birth, physical appearance (whether in a photograph or video), voice, biography, gender (including whether a person’s gender is identified and information about gender identity), occupation, place of employment, family structure, legal representative of another person and other attributes, country of residence, address, residence, postal code, telephone number, identification documents, etc.)
  • (ii) Information regarding customer behavior on the Company’s websites and applications (collectively, the “Websites”) (including access history, login history, browsing history, search history, purchase history, and ticket reservation history)
  • (iii) Status of customer use of services provided by the Company (including visits to event venues, purchases of goods or services, inquiry history, and inquiry contents)
  • (iv) Information regarding the exercise of rights and performance of obligations of shareholders in accordance with the Companies Act and other applicable laws and regulations and the articles of incorporation and other applicable rules and regulations of the Company
  • (v) Information regarding the exercise of rights and performance of obligations of athletes/artists under agreements with the Company

(2) With respect to sensitive personal information, the Company will obtain that information with the customer’s prior consent unless the customer has provided that information to the Company and the Company will use that information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

(3) The Company will use specific personal information, etc. obtained in accordance with laws and regulations only within the scope of the purposes of use stipulated by laws and regulations such as for the preparation of legal documents. The Company will not obtain (unless the customer has provided that information to the Company), use, or provide to a third party specific personal information, etc. for a purpose other than the purposes of use stipulated by laws and regulations.

(4) When obtaining the personal information of any customer who is under 16 years of age, the Company will follow the procedures prescribed by applicable laws and regulations such as obtaining the consent of that customer’s legal representative. The Company does not collect or store the personal information of customers residing in the European Economic Area (EEA), the United Kingdom, the United States, or the People’s Republic of China whom it knows to be under 16 years of age; provided, however, that if the Company becomes aware that it has unintentionally obtained the personal information of a customer under 16 years of age who resides in one of those regions or countries, it will take appropriate measures including immediately deleting that personal information.

(5) The registration of personal information by the customer might be a condition for use for some Websites of the Company that require membership registration.

(6) The Company will retain the personal information of each customer for a set retention period or until the customer requests that that information be deleted; provided, however, that if a shorter period is specified by applicable laws and regulations, that period will apply and the Company will comply with laws and regulations with respect to specific personal information, etc.

2. Use of Personal Information

(1) Personal information obtained and managed by the Company (including personal information that was managed before the enforcement of the Personal Information Protection Act, hereinafter the same) is used to the extent necessary to achieve the following purposes and will not be used for any other purpose without the consent of the relevant customer or unless permitted under a law or regulation. Further, the Company might provide personal data to the extent necessary to a subcontractor when delegating services to an outside party to achieve the following purposes. In that case, the Company will conduct necessary and appropriate monitoring to ensure the secure management of that personal data including executing an agreement with any such subcontractor with respect to the handling of personal data.

(i) Purpose of Use of Customer Personal Information

(a) Applying for and using the Company’s goods or services (including reserving, purchasing, or shipping artist goods or tickets for events or performances by athletes/artists, confirming customers’ identities, making refunds or making other payments, joining fan clubs or other services, distributing or viewing videos or other content, providing benefits, or sending prizes)
(b) Providing information about the Company’s goods and services (including providing information about new films produced or distributed by the Company, information about events, information about goods and services of associated companies of the Company, its parent company Amuse inc. (located at Saiko 997, Fujikawaguchiko-machi, Minamitsuru-gun, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan) (“Amuse”) and subsidiaries of Amuse’s (collectively, the “Amuse Group”) and information about surveys and the results of those surveys, and also analyzing customers’ transaction records and browsing histories of the Websites and other information properly obtained by the Company from other companies in accordance with laws and regulations, and delivering advertisements related to goods or services that meet the needs of customers)
(c) Providing, analyzing, improving, or developing the Company’s goods or services (including conducting market research and establishing new services)
(d) Conducting auditions (including applying for auditions, being contacted by the Company, and applying for contracts with the Company)
(e) Conducting recruitment activities
(f) Customer administration
(g) Responding to, investigating, and answering inquiries from customers
(h) Exercising rights and performing obligations under agreements with customers or laws and regulations or handling the cancellation of any such agreement (including administrative tasks related to payment requests, refunds, payments and managing transactions, etc. after the cancellation of an agreement)
(i) Otherwise ensuring the appropriate and smooth performance of transactions with customers
(j) If all or some of the handling of personal information is delegated by a third party such as another business operator, properly performing those delegated services
(k) Performing obligations, responding to requests, or resolving disputes (including cases in which the Company acts as an intermediary to the extent reasonably required under socially accepted norms to compensate for or recover losses incurred by a customer in connection with a dispute between that customer and another customer or a third party) or exercising the Company’s rights under laws and regulations

(ii) Purpose of Use of Personal Information of Shareholders (in addition to the preceding item)

Managing information regarding the Company’s shareholders such as exercising the Company’s rights and performing its obligations under the Companies Act and other applicable laws and regulations and the articles of incorporation and other applicable rules and regulations of the Company, recording and managing the operation of shareholders meetings, providing benefits from the Company to its shareholders, and preparing data under laws and regulations


(2)The Company might jointly use personal data within the Amuse Group (See “Corporate Profile”.) (including managing/using A!-ID, and using the settlement agent contracted by Amuse for the Company) under Article 27, paragraph (5), item (iii) of the Personal Information Protection Act. The personal data to be jointly used is listed in each item of (1) of Section 1 (Obtaining Personal Information and Retention Period of Personal Information) and the purposes for which that personal data will be jointly use are listed in (1) of Section 2 (Use of Personal Information). The person responsible for the management of that personal data is the same as the person responsible for the management of personal information and specific personal information described in Section 4 (Management of Personal Information and Specific Personal Information).

3. Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties

The Company will not provide personal data to a third party (excluding a person that receives personal data in the case set out in Article 27, paragraph (5) of the Personal Information Protection Act) without the prior consent of the relevant customer unless there is a justifiable reason such as if that is permitted under the Personal Information Protection Act or another law or regulation. Except in the cases falling under any of item (i) through (iv) of Article 27, paragraph (1) of the Personal Information Protection Act, if the Company is to provide personal data to a third party (excluding a person that has established a system that conforms to the standards prescribed by the rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission under Article 28 of the Personal Information Protection Act) in a country other than Japan (excluding any country prescribed by the rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission under Article 28 of the Personal Information Protection Act), it will obtain the prior consent of that customer to the effect that that customer accepts the provision of that personal data to a third party in a country other than Japan.

4. Management of Personal Information and Specific Personal Information

To ensure the accuracy and security of the personal information and specific personal information of its customers, the Company will endeavor to keep personal information and specific personal information accurate and up to date, take appropriate security measures against unauthorized access and computer viruses and implement safety countermeasures in its management organizational framework, and endeavor to prevent any unauthorized access, divulgence, loss, theft, falsification, etc. of personal information or specific personal information. Further, the Company will provide internal training to its employees with respect to the appropriate handling of the personal information of its customers. The manager of personal information and specific personal information, etc. in the Company is as follows.

Amuse Sports Agency Inc. (Representative Director: Junji Sakata)
Minami-Aoyama 5-4-31, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Contact e-mail address:
Contact: Please make inquiries using the inquiry form at the end of this Privacy Policy. (For inquiries about the handling of specific personal information, etc. when you were a member of the Company, please contact us at

5. Notice of Purpose of Use and Rights Held by Customers With Respect to Personal Information (Disclosure, Corrections, Additions and Deletions, Suspension of Use, Removal, and Suspension of Provision to Third Parties)

(1) If the Company receives a request from a customer for notice of the purpose of use of personal data in the possession of the Company, the Company will promptly notify the customer except for the following cases.
(i) If the purpose of use of the personal data in the possession of the Company is clear
(ii) If it is likely notifying the customer of the purpose of use would harm the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the customer or a third party
(iii) If it is likely notifying the customer of the purpose of use would harm the rights or legitimate interests of the Company
(iv) If it is necessary for the Company to cooperate with a national government organ or a local government in executing any affairs prescribed by laws and regulations and where notifying the customer of the purpose of use is likely to impede the execution of those affairs

(2) Each customer has the following rights with respect to personal data in the possession of the Company that can identify that customer.
(i) The right to request disclosure by providing electromagnetic records of personal data in the possession of the Company that can identify the customer or by another method specified by the rules of the Personal Information Protection Commission, correction, addition to, or deletion of the contents of personal data in the possession of the Company that can identify the customer if the contents of that data are inaccurate, suspension of use or removal of personal data in the possession of the Company that can identify the customer if that data is handled in violation of Article 18 or Article 19 of the Personal Information Protection Act or has been obtained in violation of Article 20 of the Personal Information Protection Act, or suspension of provision to third parties in any other case specified by the Personal Information Protection Act
(ii) The right to make a complaint to a supervisory authority with respect to the handling of personal information by the Company
(iii) The right to data portability (meaning the right of a customer to request the Company to provide data concerning him or her in the possession of the Company and the right of a customer to request the Company to provide data concerning him or her in a form specified by the customer to a third party specified by the customer (with respect to the latter right, limited to where that is technically possible))
(iv) The right of a customer to withdraw consent that has been given when personal information concerning him or her has been provided (use of personal information of a customer by the Company before the withdrawal of consent by the customer will not be affected by the withdrawal of consent)

(3) If the Company receives a request from a customer for disclosure in (i) above, it will disclose to the customer without delay the personal data in its possession concerning that customer by a method requested by the customer (if disclosure by that method requires significant cost or is otherwise difficult, disclosure by delivery of a written document) except for the following cases.
(i) If it is likely that disclosure will harm the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the customer or a third party
(ii) If it is likely that disclosure will significantly hinder the proper implementation of the business operations of the Company
(iii) If that disclosure would be in violation of a law or regulation

(4)If the Company receives a request from a customer for a correction, addition, or deletion in (i) above (“Correction”), unless special procedures for the Correction of personal data of the customer in the possession of the Company are prescribed by other laws and regulations, the Company will conduct an investigation without delay to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use and make Corrections to the contents of that personal data in the possession of the Company based on the results of that investigation, and the Company will notify the customer without delay of those contents (if the Company decides to not make a Correction of all or part of the contents of the personal data in its possession that is subject to that request, it will notify the customer of that fact).

(5)If the Company receives a request for a suspension of use or removal in (i) above (“Suspension of Use”) or receives a request for the suspension of provision to third parties, the Company will, in accordance with laws and regulations, notify the customer without delay if it has Suspended the Use of all or some of the personal data in its possession that is subject to that request or it has decided to not Suspend the Use of that personal data or it has suspended the provision of all or some of the personal data in its possession that is subject to that request to third parties or it has decided to not suspend the provision of that personal data to third parties. The Company might send or transmit to a customer by post, email, or another means information regarding goods or services, etc. of the Company or a company in the Amuse Group that is considered beneficial to the customer to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use set out in (1) of “2. Use of Personal Information”. If a customer does not wish to receive that information, the sending or transmitting of that information will be promptly suspended when the Company receives a request from that customer.

(6) Each of the above requests is to be made as follows. Please be aware that requests, etc. regarding personal information provided in connection with a fan club service operated by the Company are to be made by the method indicated for the relevant fan club and requests made by the following method might not be accepted.
  • (i) Method and Contact Point for Requests
    Please make requests by e-mail
  • (ii) Verification of the Requesting Customer’s Identity
    The Company will confirm that a customer or an agent or legal representative of a customer has made an inquiry by having the customer present documents such as identification documents or registered information.

6. Protection of Personal Information on Other Websites

The Company is not responsible for the protection of personal information of a customer on another website that is linked to a Website of the Company.

7. Cookies

The Company might use cookies, device fingerprints, or similar technologies (collectively, “Cookies”) to provide convenient services to customers who visit a Website of the Company. The purpose of using Cookies is to enable basic functions of the Websites such as allowing customers to securely login, recognizing customers’ desktop and terminal devices when they revisit a Website of the Company, providing more convenient services, and providing advertisements that might be highly interesting to customers. That also allows the Company to collect and analyze information on the usage of its Websites and to improve its Websites and services. If Cookies are linked to personal information (including where they can be easily matched), they will be treated as personal information.

(i) Function of Cookies

Cookies are small pieces of information that are sent from a web server to the customer’s browser and that information might be stored as a file on the customer’s disk for the purpose of enabling the effective use of the Websites, personalization, and improving the Company’s Websites and services. By using cookies, it is possible to identify a device that is used by a customer, but it is not possible to identify an individual customer unless the customer enters personal information on a Website of the Company. (Cookies themselves do not contain any information from which an individual can be identified.) Further, information that has been compiled after the statistical processing of information obtained through the use of cookies might be publicized, but that does not contain any information from which a specific customer could be identified.

(ii) Purpose of Use of Cookies

The Company does not use Cookies for any purpose other than those listed above. The Company’s advertisements are distributed to customers’ devices by third parties such as advertisement distribution companies through the use of Cookies by the Company. Information in Cookies and services analogous thereto obtained by third parties such as advertisement distribution companies shall be handled in accordance with privacy policies of such third parties. If it is anticipated that personal data will be obtained by a third-party recipient, the Company will provide personal related information in Cookies to a third party only if it has confirmed that the recipient has obtained the consent of the customer in advance or the handling of personal related information to achieve the purpose of use is delegated to a contractor that is properly monitored by the Company, and the Company will obtain the prior consent of the customer if it obtains from a third party personal related information as personal data.

(iii) Declining Cookies (Opting Out)

A customer may decline cookies (opt out) by a simple operation. By “opting out,” a customer is able to prevent having information concerning him or her associated to a specified browser. By doing that, it is possible for the customer to decline (opt out) of cookies used to distribute the Company’s ads without deleting or modifying other cookies associated with the browser being used by the customer. If cookies from the Company are not required, please decline (opt out) of the cookies by using the setting of the browser being used. Specifically, please refer to Google’s Policies and Terms for information on how data is collected and processed by access analysis tools (which are widely used in the Company’s Websites as well as in other sites).

(a) To decline (opt out) the cookies equipped with browsers, please adjust the setting to decline (opt out) the cookies in each of the following browsers.
Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge
Safari (iPhone, iPad)
Apple Safari (Mac)
Mozilla Firefox

(b) Please see below for information on cookies and how to decline (opt out) the cookies used by the tools used for the following purposes in the provision the Company’s services (including A!-ID, A!SMART and fan clubs).
Google Analytics (Analysis)
activecore (Analysis)
Google (Advertisement)
Yahoo! (Advertisement)
Microsoft (Advertisement)
Meta (Advertisement)
X (formerly known as “Twitter”) (Advertisement)

8. Processing of Personal Data of Residents in European Economic Area and United Kingdom

Pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter referred to as GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 in the United Kingdom and/or other applicable data protection and privacy laws (whether national or international) in the European Economic Area (hereinafter referred to as EEA) and/or the United Kingdom (hereinafter referred to as UK) (collectively referred to as Data Protection Laws), we explain how we process personal data of residents in EEA or United Kingdom. If there is any conflict between this Section and the previous Sections, this Section prevails for residents in EEA and UK.

(1)We are the data controller as defined in the GDPR for processing of your personal data in this Privacy Policy.

(2)Pursuant to Data Protection Laws, we process your personal data including the categories of personal data described in Section 1 ‘Obtaining Personal Information and Retention Period of Personal Information’ (1) (i) to (v) to the extent necessary for the following purposes based on the following legal bases.

Purposes Legal Bases
(i) To provide you with our products and services ・Necessary for the performance of a contract with you or in order to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract
(ii) To provide you with the information related to our products and services ・Your consent
(iii) To provide, analyze, improve and develop our products and services ・Necessary for the performance of a contract with you or in order to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract
・Necessary for our legitimate interests: provision, analysis, improvement and development of our products and services
(iv) To manage customers ・Necessary for our legitimate interests: proper customer management
(v) To respond to, investigate and answer to your inquiries. ・Necessary for our legitimate interests: proper response to, investigation of and answer to your inquiries
(vi) To exercise our rights or perform our obligations under the contracts with you or the applicable laws and handling any residual matters after the termination of contracts with you ・Necessary for the performance of a contract with you or in order to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract
・Necessary for our legitimate interests: properly handling any residual matters after termination of contracts with you
(vii) In addition to those listed above, to ensure the proper and smooth provision of our products and services with you ・Necessary for our legitimate interests: proper and smooth provision of our products and services with you
(viii) To comply with legal obligations or requirements, to resolve disputes (including the cases where we act as an intermediary to the extent reasonably required under the social norms to redress or recover your damages in connection with a dispute between you and a third party) and exercise our legal rights ・Necessary for compliance with legal obligations
・Necessary for our legitimate interests: demonstration, establishment of evidence and defense of our legal rights and interests
(ix)To maintain and update functionality of our services ・Necessary for our legitimate interests: fraud detection, security protection, and updating functionality, etc.
(x)To analyze your usage of your use of our services ・Necessary for our legitimate interests: analysis of your use of our services
・Your consent
(xi)To conduct campaigns and deliver advertisements including to provide behavioral advertising ・Your consent
(xii) To display personalized contents on our websites ・Your consent

Where we process your personal data based on your consent, you can at any time withdraw your consent.

(3)When we collect personal data of a child under the age of 16 in connection with the provision of our online services including those on websites and mobile applications, we will take appropriate measures pursuant to the applicable laws such as obtaining a consent from your parent or your legal representative thereto.

(4)When we collect personal data defined as sensitive data under Data Protection Laws, we will take appropriate measures pursuant to the applicable laws such as obtaining your explicit consent.

(5)We will retain your personal data for the period of time to the extent necessary for the purposes described in this Section 8 (2) above or required by the applicable laws.

(6)We may disclose your personal data in so far as may be necessary for the purposes described in this Section 8 (2) above to the following recipients.
(i) Our service providers; or
(ii) Government agencies, etc. to which we are required to disclose your personal data under the applicable laws.
Where such recipients are “processors” in the meaning of Data Protection Laws, we make sure that such processors have in place appropriate data protection measures by virtue of data processing contracts executed by such processors and us in compliance with Data Protection Laws.

(7)You have the following legal rights set out in Data Protection Laws.

(i) Withdrawal of consent: You can at any time withdraw your consent previously given to our processing of your personal data;
(ii) Right of access: You have the rights to request us for copies of your personal data we hold and to request us to disclose the certain details of our processing of your personal data;
(iii) Right to rectification: You have the right to request us to correct any of your personal data we hold which you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request us to complete your personal data we hold which you believe is incomplete;
(iv)Right to erasure: You have the right to request us to erase your personal data held by us provided that certain conditions of Data Protection Laws are met;
(v)Right to restriction of processing: You have the right to request us to restrict our processing of your personal data, under certain conditions of Data Protection Laws;
(vi) Right to data portability: You have the right to request us to obtain your personal data in a structured, commonly used, and computer-readable format and have the right to request us to transmit those data to another controller under certain conditions of Data Protection Laws; and
(vii) Right to object: You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data based on our legitimate interests or for our direct marketing purposes.

(8)When a transfer of your personal data constitutes cross border transfer under Data Protection Laws, we comply with all requirements under Data Protection Laws. In such cases, we rely on one of the following appropriate safeguards.
(i) adequate decisions made by the European Commission or the UK government;
(ii) Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) adopted by the European Commission; or
(iii) International Data Transfer Agreement (IDTA) or the International Data Transfer Addendum to the European Commission’s SCCs approved by the UK Parliament.

(9)You can lodge complaints about our way of processing your personal data with a data protection supervisory authority that has a jurisdiction over the region where you reside.
(i) For EEA residents:
(ii) For UK residents:

(10)We have appointed DataRep as our data protection agent. If you would like to exercise any of the rights described under Section 8(7), or if you have any inquiries about your rights, please contact us:
(i) if by email, email to Please title your email “Amuse Sports Agency Inc.”;
(ii) if at their inquiry form, inquire at and fill in necessary information; or
(iii) if by postal mail, please mail to one or more of the following addresses:

Country Address
Austria DataRep, City Tower, Brückenkopfgasse 1/6. Stock, Graz, 8020, Austria
Belgium DataRep, Place de L’Université 16, Louvain-La-Neuve, Waals Brabant, 1348, Belgium
Bulgaria DataRep, 132 Mimi Balkanska Str., Sofia, 1540, Bulgaria
Croatia DataRep, Ground & 9th Floor, Hoto Tower, Savska cesta 32, Zagreb, 10000, Croatia
Cyprus DataRep, Victory House, 205 Archbishop Makarios Avenue, Limassol, 3030, Cyprus
Czech Republic DataRep, Platan Office, 28. Října 205/45, Floor 3&4, Ostrava, 70200, Czech Republic
Denmark DataRep, Lautruphøj 1-3, Ballerup, 2750, Denmark
Estonia DataRep, 2nd Floor, Tornimae 5, Tallinn, 10145, Estonia
Finland DataRep, Luna House, 5.krs, Mannerheimintie 12 B, Helsinki, 00100, Finland
France DataRep, 72 rue de Lessard, Rouen, 76100, France
Germany DataRep, 3rd and 4th floor, Altmarkt 10 B/D, Dresden, 01067, Germany
Greece DataRep, 24 Lagoumitzi str, Athens, 17671, Greece
Hungary DataRep, President Centre, Kálmán Imre utca 1, Budapest, 1054, Hungary
Iceland DataRep, Kalkofnsvegur 2, 3rd Floor, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland
Ireland DataRep, The Cube, Monahan Road, Cork, T12 H1XY, Republic of Ireland
Italy DataRep, Viale Giorgio Ribotta 11, Piano 1, Rome, Lazio, 00144, Italy
Latvia DataRep, 4th & 5th floors, 14 Terbatas Street, Riga, LV-1011, Latvia
Liechtenstein DataRep, City Tower, Brückenkopfgasse 1/6. Stock, Graz, 8020, Austria
Lithuania DataRep, 44A Gedimino Avenue, 01110 Vilnius, Lithuania
Luxembourg DataRep, BPM 335368, Banzelt 4 A, 6921, Roodt-sur-Syre, Luxembourg
Malta DataRep, Tower Business Centre, 2nd floor, Tower Street, Swatar, BKR4013, Malta
Netherlands DataRep, Cuserstraat 93, Floor 2 and 3, Amsterdam, 1081 CN, Netherlands
Norway DataRep, C.J. Hambros Plass 2c, Oslo, 0164, Norway
Poland DataRep, Budynek Fronton ul Kamienna 21, Krakow, 31-403, Poland
Portugal DataRep, Torre de Monsanto, Rua Afonso Praça 30, 7th floor, Algès, Lisbon, 1495-061, Portugal
Romania DataRep, 15 Piaţa Charles de Gaulle, nr. 1-T, Bucureşti, Sectorul 1, 011857, Romania
Slovakia DataRep, Apollo Business Centre II, Block E / 9th floor, 4D Prievozska, Bratislava, 821 09, Slovakia
Slovenia DataRep, Trg. Republike 3, Floor 3, Ljubljana, 1000, Slovenia
Spain DataRep, Calle de Manzanares 4, Madrid, 28005, Spain
Sweden DataRep, S:t Johannesgatan 2, 4th floor, Malmo, SE – 211 46, Sweden
Switzerland DataRep, Leutschenbachstrasse 95, ZURICH, 8050, Switzerland
United Kingdom DataRep, 107-111 Fleet Street, London, EC4A 2AB, United Kingdom

9. Processing of Personal Information of Residents in the State of California, USA

Pursuant to the California Consumer Privacy Act (the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 amended by the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (hereinafter referred to as CCPA)) and other applicable federal and state laws, we explain how we process personal information of residents in the state of California, USA. If there is any conflict between this Section and the Sections 1 ‘Obtaining Personal Information and Retention Period of Personal Information’ to Section 7 ‘Cookies’, this Section prevails for residents in the state of California. In this Section, “sell”, “selling,” “sale,” or “sold,’’ means selling, renting, releasing, disclosing, disseminating, making available, transferring, or otherwise communicating orally, in writing, or by electronic or other means, your personal information by us to a third party for monetary or other valuable consideration, and “share”, “shared,” or “sharing” means sharing, renting, releasing, disclosing, disseminating, making available, transferring, or otherwise communicating orally, in writing, or by electronic or other means, a consumer’s personal information by us to a third party for cross-context behavioral advertising, whether or not for monetary or other valuable consideration.

(1)We collect and have collected in the preceding 12 months the following categories of your personal information. We process such personal information to the extent necessary for the purpose described in Section 2 ‘Use of Personal Information’ (1) and Section 8 ‘Processing of Personal Data of Residents in European Economic Area and United Kingdom’ (2) (ix) through (xii). We collect and have collected the following personal information directly from you.
(i)Identifiers (e.g., real name, address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, email address, log-in ID or other similar identifiers)
(ii)Commercial information (e.g., histories of your use of our products and services, membership status, point balance, number and expiration date of credit card, whether or not you asked us to arrange a wheelchair etc., our event you visited, information contained in communication between you and us, and the contents of inquiries, requests, and comments)
(iii)Internet or other electronic network activity information (e.g., browsing history, search history, Cookie and similar tracking technologies, advertisement identifier (IDFA/GAID), geolocation information, unique device ID and information regarding your interaction with our websites)
(iv)Audio, electronic, visual or similar information (e.g., audition application materials and recording of your inquiries)
(v)Sensitive personal information (e.g., your account log-in ID for our websites in combination with any authorization information such as password required for access to the accounts, information on your sexual orientation, whether or not you asked us to arrange a wheelchair etc.)

(2)When we collect personal information of a child under the age of 13, we will obtain a parental consent thereto in accordance with Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 and other applicable laws.

(3)We will retain your personal information for the period of time to the extent necessary for the purposes described in this Section 9 (1) above or required by applicable laws.

(4)You have the following legal rights set out in the CCPA.
(i)Right to Opt-Out of “Sale” or “Sharing”: You can request to opt out of “sell” or “share” your personal information to third parties.
(ii)Right to Know: You can request us to disclose your personal information that we collect, use, disclose, sell or share.
(iii)Right to delete: You can request us to anonymize or delete your personal information that we collect.
(iv)Right to correct: You can request us to correct outdated or inaccurate information that we maintain about you.
(v)You have a right to limit our use and disclosure of your sensitive personal information to the extent necessary to achieve certain purposes permitted under CCPA such as to provide you with our products and services.
(vi)You have a right not to receive discriminatory treatment by us for the exercise of the privacy rights conferred by the CCPA.

(5)For each request, we will ask you to provide sufficient information to verify your identity by collating it with information we have been retaining. For requests from an agent authorized by you, in addition to verifying your identity, we will require the authorized agent to provide us with a letter signed by you that such agent is authorized to submit requests on your behalf. In addition, we will directly confirm with you that your authorization has been given to such agent. We may reject the request from an agent who cannot verify your authorization.

(6)We may sell or share your personal information to third parties. The following is a list of the categories of your personal information we may sell or share, or we have sold or shared in the past 12 months, and the categories of the parties to which we may sell or share, or we have sold or shared your personal information in the past 12 months. We do not knowingly sell or share the personal information of a minor.
(i) Identifiers
To the extent necessary for the purposes described in Section 8 ‘Processing of Personal Data of Residents in European Economic Area and United Kingdom’ (2) (xi) and (xii)
Ad-tech partners
(ii) Internet or other electronic network activity information
To the extent necessary for the purposes described in Section 8 ‘Processing of Personal Data of Residents in European Economic Area and United Kingdom’ (2) (xi) and (xii)
Ad-tech partners

(7)If you would like to exercise any of those rights described in this Section 9 (4) above (except inquiries regarding personal information provided in connection with our fan club, on which you need to contact us in accordance with the methods specified by the relevant fan club) or if you have any inquiries about your rights, please contact us:
For inquiries about personal information provided in connection with our fan club, please contact us in accordance with the methods specified by the relevant fan club.

10. Processing of Personal Information of Residents in the People Republic of China

Pursuant to the Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China (个人信息保护法、hereinafter referred to as PIPL) and other related applicable laws (collectively referred to as PIPL etc.), we explain how we process personal information of residents in the People Republic of China. If there is any conflict between this Section and Sections 1 ‘Obtaining Personal Information and Retention Period of Personal Information’ to 7 ‘Cookies’, this Section prevails for residents in the People’s Republic of China.

(1)We are the personal information handler as defined in the PIPL for the personal information in this Privacy Policy.

(2)Pursuant to PIPL, we process your personal information including the categories of personal information described in Section 1 ‘Obtaining Personal Information and Retention Period of Personal Information’ (1) (i) to (v) to the extent necessary for the following purposes by means of processing.

Purposes (i) To provide you with our products and services
(ii) To provide you with the information related to our products and services
(iii) To provide, analyze, improve and develop our products and services
(iv) To manage customers
(v) To respond to, investigate and answer to your inquiries
(vi) To exercise our rights or perform our obligations under the contracts with you or applicable laws and handle any residual matters after the termination of contracts with you
(vii) In addition to those listed above, to ensure the proper and smooth provision of our products and services with you
(viii) To comply with legal obligations or requirements, to resolve disputes (including the cases where we act as an intermediary to the extent reasonably required under the social norms to redress or recover your damages in connection with a dispute between you and a third party) and exercise our legal rights
(ix) To maintain and update functionality of our services
(x) To analyze your usage of our services
(xi) To conduct campaigns and deliver advertisements including to provide behavioral advertising
(xii) To display personalized contents on our services
Means of Processing We process your personal information in the manner described in Section 2 ‘Use of Personal Information’ (1).

(3)When we collect personal information of a child under the age of 14 in connection with the provision of our online services including those on websites and mobile applications, we will take appropriate measures such as obtaining a parental consent in accordance with the PIPL.

(4)When we collect sensitive personal information defined in the PIPL, we will take appropriate measures such as obtaining your (or your parental) explicit consent thereto in accordance with the PIPL. We process your sensitive personal information outlined below.

Sensitive Personal Information We Process Information defied as Sensitive Personal Information under PIPL among information described Section 1 ‘Obtaining Personal Information and Retention Period of Personal Information’ (1)
Necessity of Processing To achieve the purposes described in this Section 10 (2)
Impact on Your Rights and Interests Breach of privacy, misuse of information, online safety, excessive use of and dependency to our services

(5)We will retain your personal information for the period of time to the extent necessary for the purposes described in this Section 10 (2) above or required by applicable laws.

(6)We may disclose the following categories of your personal information to the extent necessary for the purposes described in this Section 10 (2) above to the following recipients.
(i) Our service providers
(ii) Government agencies, etc. to which we are required to disclose your personal information under the applicable laws
Where such recipients are “entrusted partners” in the meaning of the PIPL, we make sure that such entrusted partners have in place appropriate data protection measures by virtue of data processing contracts executed by such “entrusted partners” and us in compliance with the PIPL.

(7)When we provide another entity outside the territory of the People’s Republic of China with your personal information to the extent necessary for the purposes described in this Section 10 (2) above (including joint use and cases where the personal information is provided through entrustment with transfer outside the territory of the People’s Republic of China.), we will obtain your separate consent pursuant to the PIPL etc.

Countries Japan
Names of Recipients AMUSE INC.
Contacts Listed in this Section 10 (10) below
Purposes Listed in this Section 10 (2) above
Means of Processing Listed in this Section 10 (2) above
Categories of Personal Information Personal information including the categories of personal information listed in Section 1. ‘Obtaining Personal Information and Retention Period of Personal Information’(1) (i) to (v)

(8)In addition to the rights described in Section 5 ‘Notice of Purpose of Use and Rights Held by Customers With Respect to Personal Information (Disclosure, Corrections, Additions and Deletions, Suspension of Use, Removal, and Suspension of Provision to Third Parties)’, you have the following legal rights under the PIPL. Where a legal or regulatory retention period has not expired or it is technically difficult to delete personal information, we will cease processing personal information, provided that we may retain such information and implement the necessary security measures for such information.
(i) Right to withdraw your consent:You have a right to withdraw your consent at any time;
(ii) Where a decision is made through automated decision making via information system, which may have a significant impact on your rights and interests, the right to request us for explanation and refuse us for making such decision;
(iii) Right to be informed, to make a decision on our processing your personal information, and to restrict or refuse such processing;
(iv) Right to access to and duplicate your personal information;
(v) Right to rectify or supplement your personal information if incorrect or incomplete;
(vi) The right to erase your personal information in certain circumstances outlined below:
(a) The purposes of processing have been achieved or cannot be achieved, or such information is no longer necessary for achieving the purposes of processing;
(b) We cease to provide with our products and services, or the retention period has expired;
(c) You withdraw your consent;
(d) We violate laws, administrative regulations, or agreements on processing your personal information; or
(e) Other circumstances prescribed by laws and administrative regulations.
(vii) Right to request us to interpret and explain this Privacy Policy.

(9)For each request, we will ask you to present documents to verify the identity of you or your agent such as identification documents (including power of attorney, an authorization certificate, etc. proving that such agent has the authority to exercise rights on your behalf) or information that you have registered with us.

(10) If you would like to exercise any of these rights described in this Section 10 (8) above, or if you have any inquiries about your rights (excluding requests and inquiries about personal information provided in connection with the fan club we operate), please contact us:

11. Improvement Measures

The Company will work to appropriately respond to customer needs, advances in information technology, and other changes in the social environment regarding the handling of personal information and specific personal information and it will endeavor to make improvements by reviewing this Privacy Policy and other rules and regulations in a timely and appropriate manner as necessary.
Please contact the Company if you have any inquiries or complaints regarding personal information (only regarding personal information). With respect to personal information provided in connection with fan club services operated by the Company, please make inquiries in the manner indicated for the relevant fan club.


Established on October 1, 2024
